29 November 2008

These are neccessities, these are things...

It's late Saturday afternoon. I've got a bunch of homework that needs to be done. I've got a bunch MORE of relaxing that needs to be done. My life got about a million times easier this week when one of my jobs finally ended. Now, I can focus on my overload of school-work instead!

Lucky for me, most of my final work of the semester is done. Unfortunately, I've still got some homework that needs to be completed, and the biggest problem is, I need to complete way ahead of when it is due. What I mean is that I have a few things to hand in over the exam period, during which I will be in Toronto for teacher-placement. So, I need to finish this homework early.

Now, for those of you that know me, that isn't that hard. All things considered, I SHOULD be able to get it taken care of pretty easily. Problem is, I'm in total relaxation mode! It makes it hard to focus, but I haven't let myself relax in so long that I need to forget about work.

So I have the perfect solution: recording! That's right, I'm finally recording a bunch of songs that I have written over the past six months or so. They are all in demo form, meaning a single microphone, a single track for music and vocals. It's mainly for posterity and to be able to show people my stuff who hasn't heard it live, but it will also factor in to some improvements to be put in place. The demo will be called "These are neccessities, these are things," and will fill in to my tentative "release" schedule like this:

Woodchip 0: These are necessities, these are things (Online demo) - December 15/08
Woodchip 1: Don't forget to smile (EP) - April 09
Woodchip 2: It doesn't hurt to hope (EP) - July 09

The two EPs are instead of my planned LP...and I have no idea why.

Anyway, in other news, I should get back to my stuff. I will be posting more frequently, I SWEAR!

Stay frosty everyone!

24 November 2008

Waking to the sound of car alarms

Hey readers...all two-four of you.
I'm back.
With a vengeance.
CLEARLY the "writing a new album" thing didn't work out. Clearly.
But alas, I am still writing Don't Forget to Smile (and it's newly formed companion EP "It Doesn't Hurt to Hope").
Still, it's time to post in the blogeroonie again. FREQUENTLY (lets see how long I can handle this).

There's so much to update that all I'm going to do is post a poem I wrote for my Creative Writing class:

"Waking to the Sound of Car Alarms" (title from the Neko Case song "In California")

Trapped by the bright lights;
the wind tunnel; the night sky, still Halloween orange;
and a tower of a million LED bulbs shining violet-indigo-blue -
trudging down the lamp-lit street, sidewalk neglected
by the works department.
A bit of snow, barely through the smog,
falls on your red pea-coat.
Yet you don't consider going back?

On the smallest little marina
of Conception, he's bringin' in yer boat.
Tears stream down 'is cheeks; warm, even in this island cold.
And behind 'im, yer old place - still aquamarine
against jade and magenta houses. And in three-hundred people
he's one of two-hundred-and-fifty fishermen.
He's thinkin' of ya still.
What did ya ever find wrong with yer Little Heart's Ease?

Enjoy friends, and check back here often for more updates!
Stay frosty!