20 July 2008

Is There a Ghost?

To be quite honest, there are some things that can be solved in two ways. One is to fight, and stress yourself the hell out of your mind. The second is to just get it out of the way. I'm not saying by giving up, but merely by letting things happen as they do.

Problem is, I am AWFUL at taking my own advise. I mean, there is so much shit going down in places that are really beyond my current scope that I shouldn't deal with them, right? I have my home life and my job...that's the stuff I do. That doesn't bother me. But for some reason, stuff that shouldn't bother me, does! Weird, eh?

So here I am, being asked things I can't answer, being told things I can't agree with, and being made to do things I just can't do. But I take one route, and screw some people over...I take another, and screw other people over. It's a tricky balance, but it's all the way in a city I currently don't take residence in. I mean, I will again very soon, but not right now.

The way I see it, the world is made up of just people. People doing things one way and the other. People doing things for other people, or just for themselves. I'd like to think that no matter how bad or opposite to myself some person could be, they are still a person. With a brain and a heart and some red goo connecting the two. And these two things allow them to move and think and do and feel and all sorts of good things. Really, we're all just people. Problem is, we all try to think about things in one way or another. There is no broad or sweeping vision, no way to look at things from more than one perspective. You either choose a side, or you don't. Yet either way, your blood still connects your heart and brain.

Really, it's people that I wish to deal with. I miss my friends abroad and sometimes I don't see my closest friends where I am now. Friends aren't issues or battles or workstations or putters or muffins or records or coffees or robots (I wish!) or anything. They are people. People that you can turn to and say "hey! I'm a person too, yo!" And they listen.

This one goes out to people. People who matter and who are there. People that I, without them, would probably have quite a bit of difficulty in general. It'd be a pretty big list to put together. You know who you are. For starters, you're reading my blog. Like, who does that?

Anyway, this is for everyone. And for you :)

"Is There a Ghost" by Band of Horses

I could sleep
I could sleep
When I lived alone
Is there a ghost in my house?



Grey Eyed Girl said...

i miss you like crazy. i miss you so much its making me go crazy (not saying that i wasn't crazy already, but ya know...) boo. i want to see you soon.

Soaking up the Sun said...

red goo. wow good thing you're not becoming a doctor. haha. love you :)


the vid is terrible, the song is good. i'm assuming. i have no earphones so i can't test it out. but it's a happy song. hopefully you'll feel happier.

Soaking up the Sun said...

i know i just saw you, but i miss you already! i'll come visit you soon, promise. maybe on wednesday. maybe we'll go see colplay? im sure we can get tickets at the door

Soaking up the Sun said...

so not to be a prick or anything...but will you be posting agaon or this is blog closed?