24 November 2008

Waking to the sound of car alarms

Hey readers...all two-four of you.
I'm back.
With a vengeance.
CLEARLY the "writing a new album" thing didn't work out. Clearly.
But alas, I am still writing Don't Forget to Smile (and it's newly formed companion EP "It Doesn't Hurt to Hope").
Still, it's time to post in the blogeroonie again. FREQUENTLY (lets see how long I can handle this).

There's so much to update that all I'm going to do is post a poem I wrote for my Creative Writing class:

"Waking to the Sound of Car Alarms" (title from the Neko Case song "In California")

Trapped by the bright lights;
the wind tunnel; the night sky, still Halloween orange;
and a tower of a million LED bulbs shining violet-indigo-blue -
trudging down the lamp-lit street, sidewalk neglected
by the works department.
A bit of snow, barely through the smog,
falls on your red pea-coat.
Yet you don't consider going back?

On the smallest little marina
of Conception, he's bringin' in yer boat.
Tears stream down 'is cheeks; warm, even in this island cold.
And behind 'im, yer old place - still aquamarine
against jade and magenta houses. And in three-hundred people
he's one of two-hundred-and-fifty fishermen.
He's thinkin' of ya still.
What did ya ever find wrong with yer Little Heart's Ease?

Enjoy friends, and check back here often for more updates!
Stay frosty!


Grey Eyed Girl said...

BAM! you updated. magic. pure magic.
although, i much more enjoyed the poetry reading than having to read it myself... can't wait to see you soon!!! <3

Soaking up the Sun said...

glad to see you're back - sun girl

Soaking up the Sun said...

i read the poem now..