28 May 2008

Days Are Just Drops in the River to be Lost, Always

Let us go then, you and I...

The time has come for one of those quiet, soft, and reminiscing-like blog entries. This is mainly inspired by the song in the title. Other than this title line, there is a line that goes "On the shore, she speaks to the ocean and the sea, silent." Just hearing it makes it work, makes it pop. It's just...awesome.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about stuff lately. For one thing, I really want to improve my writing skills. Now, I don't think my writing is poor, it's just that I very rarely finish projects larger then a few pages. This is unfortunate! I have a couple musicals, a film, more than half a dozen plays, a few "novels" and many television show/movie ideas I've never even attempted to bring to fruition. I think that if I really set myself to it, I can make it happen. Sometimes it is too difficult to make it all work.

I've also been thinking a lot about life. I'm currently in a very transient phase living between cities. Until work starts for me in July, I'm only kept in one place or the other by my desire. If I want to be here, I am; if I want to be there, I am. In fact, I'm there in just a couple of days. But soon I'll be volunteering more, keeping busy, even doing a little more local travelling.

Last of all is my music. I have found my brother's old keyboard as well as a working power adapter. So now I can finally play some music on piano. That song from a while ago, "Whether You Like it or Not," is very close to the sound I want for it with the keyboard. I am still working on other songs too...I mean, I've got to work towards something.

And that something has finally presented itself. On June 24, 2008, at the Free Times Cafe in Toronto, I will be playing my first real set as a solo musician. I'm very excited and very nervous for this. I need to compile around 45 minutes of music, and my original stuff isn't that long yet (the stuff I like that is), plus I need to make sure I'm damn good at it to play. This time last year I was terrible at mandolin...I hope I'm better now. I'll see.

The show is less than a month away, and I need to get cracking. Got a suggestion for a cover I should play. Britney Spears and Mariah Carey are already in the mix, probably, and a Disney song too. Any requests, oh readers? I also intend to record this summer (fingers crossed), and get the album, Sequence of Measures, actually done. I also have an alternate album title, which is Juices That Do Things.

Anyway, it's late. I hope you're not mad at me for not blogging for so long. Enjoy!
And stay frosty!

"Winter Storms" by Daniel Field

You flowered the garden
When you gave up the last time
Let's go on a thieving binge
I've got the perfect crime
We can break all the hearts of lovestruck men
And laugh at the women and do it again

Till next time, y'all!


Soaking up the Sun said...

play the one that i really like. you know the one that you played to me for the first time when i was dalhoooooosie street? and of course play the britney + mariah cover.

Grey Eyed Girl said...

you should learn question by the old 97s.

and i may have some horrid news. absolutely horrid. as in i may not be able to take the time off to come see you play... ah. i'll see what i can do, but i absolutely have to have the following weekend off for my family reunion because we're headed all the way to quebec...ah. i'll see what i can arrange, but please don't hate me?