28 May 2008

SPECIAL EDITION: The Engagement Party

***Ok, so this time, I wrote this out in my word processor and never copied it over. Don't kill me***

Headline: Engagement Party rocked by presence of International Celebrity, Soaking up the Sun
Byline: By Utahraptor, Rawr

Toronto, Ontario - There are times when dinosaurs must realize that they are beginning to enter a new stage in their lives. For instance, this reportasaurus knows a T-Rex that plans to be wed next year. However, as a Utahraptor, I know that I, personally, am in no rush. In fact, I am not getting married. My brother is.

Ztegasaurus has been engaged to Atouraptor for a few months now. The big deal was their engagement party. Several people came from far and wide to celebrate their engagement at a local restaurant, serving up fine Triassic dining with a live band and a DJ (and not to mention sweet dancing).

But what really made the festivities was the long journey undertaken by international superstar, Soaking up the Sun, who graced the party with her presence. Many were pleased to meet with her in person for the first time, and I, as Utahraptor, was even more glad to be fortunate enough to be her date.

Many of the party-goers jumped at the chance to interview the celebrity, but I made sure that she was not overwhelmed by her many fans. Instead, I stole her away to the dance floor a few times, and was able to make it out with only one picture of our stolen moments. My other brother, was also caught on film with a rare breed, the Jurassic Richasaur.

But what made the party so incredible was the fact that Sun came all the way to visit me and my family, meet the lovely spouses-to-be, and most of all, spend time in my cave lair. It was pretty rockin'. Is rockin' an investigative journalism word? Who cares? The only newspaper that will buy this is a moderately unliked school newspaper from the Kawartha region...


Signing off,

1 comment:

Soaking up the Sun said...

bah. well, i loved my time there. good fun. my fans are awesome. ps. love Jurassic Richasaur.