19 May 2008

In Spite of Everything, I Still Believe People are Good

***Once again, a blog entry from a while back was unfinished and hence never posted. Feast your eyes!***

Yes, I haven't blogged in a while. That shouldn't keep me from being cool!

Recent life has been a hodge-podge of awesome and busy. This weekend I went back to my school town . My roommates band was playing at - or should I say "under" - one of the bars in town. It was not the greatest venue in the world, especially considering the only people in attendance were friends of the bands playing...a small crowd. Oh well, I had a great time, especially seeing some of my roommates, school friends, and most importantly, Soaking up the Sun and Grey Eyed Girl! Nothing completes a weekend like those two.

I thought I'd use part of this blog to talk about these two, so once I'm done the life update, I'll take care of that. So, surrounding this little excursion, I've been working at my old public school doing some volunteer work. I have been tasked with preparing a video for their participation in the "Literacy Collaborative," a school board-wide conference type thing where schools share their advancement in literacy education (throws up in mouth). Anyway, I filmed the classes and teachers doing literacy stuff, but the real challenge came in the editing. Today I FINALLY finished after hours upon hours of video capture, editing, fading, titling, and dealing - of course - with the magical software of the Microsoft corporation. Ultimately, it came out as a pretty snazzy video, AND I got to sneak in some of my brothers' music, WITHOUT HIM KNOWING! Anyway, that's life right now, in a nutshell. In a couple days I'm off to Ottawa, and I'll be blogging after (I hope).

So, where to begin on Sun and Grey. Well, howsabout a multi-part series! No, too lame. I was going to slowly recount our meetings, but I kind of don't remember very well! Instead I remember just already knowing these two lovely ladies. And I also don't remember how I lived without them :P

Soaking up the Sun really does bring that sunny smile and, as cliched as it seems, disposition to the moment. This dapper dino can't help but giggle at the sight of a beaming and radiant Sun, especially on a sunny day! AND, the sweetest sense of humour this side of Texas to boot. That sentence didn't make much sense, but I don't mind. Night Kitchen much, Sun? I know I can always turn to her in times of need, and I'm glad I can be there for her in the same situation. Now just one thing...GET A SUMMER PHONE LINE! It's hard to get a hold of her right now (TEAR).

Grey Eyed Girl is, as her name implies, a robot-in-disguise. That's right. A Transformer. I'm just kidding. I remember stealing Grey's pencil (and NEVER RETURNING IT, MUAHAHAH), as well as sitting across from her every time in our Po-Po class. After a while, she got used to the sight of me being late, and came up with a different way to make fun of me EVERY time. One day she'll run out of these, but I don't think that day is any time soon. And her writing! WOW. I hope she gets into the creative writing class at school, because her writing is freaking awesome. I wish I could...you know...compel...and...emotionalize? Luckily for me, Grey is in fact easy to contact....she just works crazy hours (ALSO TEAR).

Well that's it for this manosaur today.

"Hotel Song" by Regina Spektor

Come in to my world
I want to show show show you
Come in to my bed
I've got to know know know you

I have dreams of orca whales and owls
But I wake up in fear
You will never be my
You will never be my
Fool will never be my fool

Stay frosty, y'all!


Soaking up the Sun said...

grey eye is NOT a transformer!! She hasn't even seen the movie yet!! take it back. bumblebee is crying right now...:(

but she is awesome. and i'm getting a phone.

Utahraptor said...


Soaking up the Sun said...

also, nice song choice

Grey Eyed Girl said...

Sun is getting a phone?!?!?! OMG!!!! EXCITING!!!!!!

Congrats on finishing that video thingie.

And yes, I am a robot. Thanks for broadcasting that. I appreciate it.

AH! I can't wait for Friday. I'm anxious about CW, and anticipating SATC with joy in my heart!

And, for your information, I will never run out of ways to insult you for being late. NEVER! muhahahaha!