10 June 2008

3rd Movement: Birds in the Abyss

The title of this entry is the name of the 3rd movement in Oliver Messiaen's Quartet for the End of Time, which I had the privilege of seeing performed by the Gryphon Trio (plus clarinet), last night as part of the Toronto Festival of Arts and Creativity, Luminato. I'm a volunteer for the festival, and this performance, which combined the original piece with a visual aspect inspired by Messiaen's ability to see colours due to different sounds. What resulted was the performance I saw last night: Colour....for the End of Time. It was kind of boring, but also kind of awesome.

So here's a super quick recap of life and stuff. Main thing: I attended a couple convocations at school, which were awesome. Super highlight of my time there? Attending a special luncheon as Soaking up the Sun's guest (my name was actually Guest on the list). It was an awesome lunch, one of the best the catering company at our school had ever put before me (not that I've eaten their food alot...*cough*). Not only did they prepare an exquisite meal, we had the hilarious opportunity to sing the University's President happy birthday! Now let me tell you something, being a couple of the only students in the room, this was a strange opportunity. Even more so, a bunch of older people ranging from past students to professors to University Governors tend to create a remarkably in-key version of "Happy Birthday!" It was pretty cool and definitely unexpected. Fun times had by all.

After fun times I had to go back to Toronto, for I had a doctor's appointment, then an x-ray in two days. The x-ray, dear lord, was such a strange experience. I trek down pretty far out of my way, go in for five minutes, and come out with a three-hundred dollar dent in my credit card. All this because I had a tooth removed in a surgery a few years ago, and I may need a new implant tooth.

Anyway, coming up to today, I'm helping out with my old public school's arts night. This is fine and all, despite the LACK OF AIR CONDITIONING. Holy cow it's hot in there. Tonight is the performance, I hope it's not awful bad. But despite the heat in today's rehearsal, there was one great benefit of the day at the school.

I walked into the staff room to bug my brother (one of the teachers there) and talk to the other teachers, when in walks this guy who looks my age or younger wearing a staff tag. One of the teachers says "you must be a kid, right?" And he shakes his head. "You're a teacher!?" This teacher was incredulous. This supply teacher, who I will refer to as Blue for absolutely no reason, said yes, and that he was filling in for a 7/8 class.

Now let me just tell you something. There might be stories of cute supply teachers and stuff...but this one is practically my age. And he is definitely cute. He said he was just out of teachers college...so really close to my age. I just couldn't get over it. Anyway, nothing to be done.

That's it that's all folks.

"Doubles" by The Librarians of Truth

My decision has caused a division
In my religion and soul
I had no intention to ruin the lesson
To ruin my heart as I did

...just felt like it.
Stay frosty!


Grey Eyed Girl said...

Nothing to be done? LAME answer. LAME. RAWR.

Utahraptor said...

i'm sorry i'm a freakin wimp, KAY! sadness becomes my nerdiness :P