03 June 2008

SPECIAL: Fight wise and fringe worthy

Damn the sound that breaks the bond

Damn them all, them all in one

On the precipice of inadequacy

They chant

And they tell you there is nothing else to worry about

Those fucking bureacrats

They have nothing more to live for?

It's not a statement of waste

If there's nothing being wasted

Unless everyone wastes away to nothing first

So they chant

And they learn how to defend themselves

No longer unprepared for the worst

And the worst

Those fucking bureacrats

Can blow the big one

While their opponents roll a big one

On the outskirts

The rest are just waiting

For the crusade


Soaking up the Sun said...

im slightly confused.

i say you write about being my guest. haha

Utahraptor said...

i wrote this before that day, :P
THAT one is coming soon :)