02 June 2008

All Those Songs Down There, They Have a Purpose

to the max), and a few amazing VHS tapes (Disney, of course). But still, money has been going to food.

So, I applied to this creative writing class. It requires a portfolio application, and to my surprise, I got in! I heard this news recently, and it was super exciting! I put two stories ("unforgivable," and "Sprite") and two poems ("This Way Comes" and "Untitled May 24"), and got in! It was sweet, and now I have to do some other reading and stuff. As well, I'm exploring some other writing this summer too.

On that vain I'm writing a story called "Return to Me" about surprises in love, which serves as a prelude to a novel I'm slowly working on called "The Great Canadian Novel." More on that later.

I have to run for now.

"The Call" by Regina Spektor

It started out with a feeling
And it turned into a hope
And that hope became a quiet thought
And that thought became a quiet word

And then that word grew louder and louder
Till it was a battle cry

Stay frosty!

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