07 May 2008

Goldenrod and the 4-H Stone, The Things I Brought You When I Found Out You Had Cancer of the Bone

I think it'd be really funny to blog in rhyme.
But I won't.

Sorry, my faithful (two) readers, to keep you waiting for a new blog, but here it is! I won't make it too long, but I'll fill you in on the happenings in life!

In a nut shell, I moved houses. That's kinda cool, my new room is awesome! And I have a TV. Soaking up the Sun and Grey Eyed Girl helped warm the house with me (does that make sense) and we watched the Matrix. Awesome.

Next, moved back to my parents house for the "summer." It took me two full days to clean and tidy my room, but I conducted a ridiculous purge of all my stuff. I came in with two duffel bags and 5 boxes, and ended up putting 4 boxes of other stuff into the basement and went through most of my clothes. Next step? The dreaded closet (me = packrat).

Last couple of days have been busy. Aside from unpacking, I've tried to spend time with my family and also my friend Luna (not her real name) who left this morning to go tree-planting in Saskatchewan! I finally come back from school and she LEAVES! Ugh, I'm over it though, my friend and I "helped" her pack last night.

Last night I cooked dinner for the family, and that went well. I've had a bunch of appointments of late, dentist was Monday, ortho was today, I have a pedicure this afternoon (SO EXCITED), and gp, derma, and I think something else too coming up. Gee, leave town for a while and come back to a packed schedule of waiting rooms. Woot.

In other news, I'm enjoying this brief period of freedom. I have more busy times coming up, but I'm really looking forward to the completion of this week. Today is my brothers' birthday, so big family dinner. Tomorrow, I'm at my mom and brothers' school (they teach at the same public school) to help with a project for the local Education board. In the night I'm seeing Countess (also not a real name), who is one of my best friends in this crazy place called Toronto! We're probably going to a party, out for coffee and desserts, and maybe even watch Spirited Away! Then Friday is the BIG DAY. I'm going to the bus terminal to meet a certain very radiant young lady who will accompany me to my brothers' engagement party in the night. And then there's the weekend...which I am partway through planning.

So that's the near future, which is exciting. I'm hoping in the more distantesque future, I can welcome a girl with grey eyes to the t-dot as well.

Alright, that's all for now. I have to go soak my feet in advance of pedicure. And yes, I will actually get to blogging more!

"The Man of Metropolis Steals Our Hearts" by Sufjan Stevens

Man of Steel, Man of Heart
Tame our ways, if we start
To devise something more
Something half ways

As always, stay frosty.


Grey Eyed Girl said...

i'm uber jealous of your pending pedicure. my feet could use a litle tlc! enjoy this weekend with your radiant girl- but remember that you have to send her back to me!! much love!

Soaking up the Sun said...

IT's ABOUT FREAKING TIME! i'm so jealous of that radiant girl. haha. oh wait, that's me...ps. is luna from luna lovegood from harry potteR?

Utahraptor said...

Girl, I'll make sure she gets back to you no problem :)
And Sun, Luna is a childhood nickname of hers that she HATES being called, so that's why I use it :)