25 April 2008

Weep Upon the Spot for the Starving of Me

****NOTE: I wrote this two weeks ago, and never posted it. My apologies, but here it is****

Hey all! It's been super long since I posted, and I apologize. So here's the first of a few entries for today! We'll start with my passover adventure at home!

For starters, going home is a fun experience, especially considering I get to have a meal with extended family. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but my aunts and uncles and even my cousins can be a handful.

Ok, so passover dinner is called a "seder" and is accompanied by a mult-course dinner and reading from something called the Haggadah. I'll spare the excess of the dinner, but basically we talk about the story of the Ten Commandments, if you've ever seen the movie or just know the story. The jist of the holiday is to not eat leavened bread for 8 days. Not sure why 8, but I know the unleavened bit is because "our ancestors had to high-tail it out of Egypt without time to leaven bread" so we're stuck with the magic diahrrea inhibitor, matza. Don't get me wrong, once a year it's cool, but 8 days!

Anyway, it takes a long time for the dinner to get started, because you have to point at things, ask questions, say a tonne of prayers, do some other crazy stuff, drink way too much wine, and THEN you get the food. So there's Matza Ball Soup in chicken broth, Gefilte fish, chop liver, then veal, chicken, cow tongue...the works. You can imagine I had a great time trying to find food to eat being a herbivore. I rawred my way through the meal scot-free...until my cousin learns I'm a vegetarian and suddenly the whole table is up in arms.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Asks one aunt. "You should really see someone about your diet!" Says another. "What a stupid idea." One cousin. "Yea, like that'll last." Another cousin.

The funny thing is, both my brother and the cousin who belted it out have been vegetarians in the past. My brother didn't criticize, but who are the rest of the family to do that?

What's done is done now, and meal was delicious, of what I did eat (maybe a little fish :). My family makes for quite the adventure...I'm looking forward to my brothers' engagement party. Should be swanky :)

Heard this sweet new song by Mariah Carey. Yup. Mariah Carey.
"Touch My Body" by Mariah Carey

If there's a camera up in here
It's gonna have to leave
When I do, if I do
If there's a camera up in here
I'd best not see this flick
On YouTube, YouTube

Stay frosty!

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