01 April 2008

It's a Sequence of Measures that Keeps us Together...

That's lyrics from a super lame song of mine. Ok, maybe it's not that lame, but it is in my opinion. And I am entitled to my own opinion. I'm the writed of said song.

That being said, I want to make it clear that my blogs's actual title is "inSequence," not the more probable and less strange "insequence," which could be like "inconsequence" or "consequence" or a combination of the two. Still, it is "inSequence." There, I have done my due diligence for taking care of that.

Anyway, I got this blog for a few reasons. First of all, there are people in the world who care far too much about the mundane and mediocre aspects of my life to not read it in a daily, or every-other-day, blog. Also, this serves as a companion to the blog of a certain Soaking up the Sun, who you may or may not be familiar with.

To make things very clear, however, I am currently procrastinating "h to the core" on a big essay that's coming up. I also have Kraft Dinner cooking downstairs. WAY TOO MUCH GOING ON AT ONCE.

In short, you will soon find that my humour takes some getting used to.

I'm going to end my blog today, and hopefully everyday, with a song lyric or group of lyrics I like/reflect something. I will do my best to keep it from being lame. Postscript: I owe this idea to a certain Ms. Education T. Thanks!

From the song "Biomusicology" by Ted Leo and The Pharmacists:
But look beneath the glassy surface
All the songs you hear down there
They have a purpose

That's all for the night folks! See you tomorrow!

Oh, and as an endnote: If you're wondering where I get "Utahraptor" from, go ahead and check out the amazing work of a Mr. Ryan North at http://www.qwantz.com/ THEN YOU WILL SEE WHY!

1 comment:

Soaking up the Sun said...

YAYA. i'm the first to COMMENT!! so...shmoo my dear. i enjoyed reading your first blog...way to steal my idea of ending a blog with lyrics, but whatev. keep writing and i'll keep reading. stay the manosaur that you are!