02 April 2008

Could Someone Get the Woman A Napkin?

Hello friends, trilobytes, cave-dwellers, and fossil-hunters. My day reaches its end, which, if I do say so myself, is awesome. Just like me.

Today has been hella long, with an early morning class that I just could not miss. From there it continued on a spiralling whirlwind of pedantic necessities and unneccesary word lengths. Fortunately for me, I had an awesome meeting and an essay to edit to look forward too all day! Ok, well the first thing I actually was looking forward to. This evening I met up with some members of incoming student government here at my university, and we had the opportunity to talk about some fun stuff for next year as well get to know each other outside of the stickler-rific formal atmosphere that some meetings can give.

That being said, I have a sweet-ass meeting tomorrow morning bright and early to interview applicants for a job within the student union. So much effort is involved to get up and go there that it's ridiculous. I sleep in once every three weeks and it's never past 10, and of course, looking at my schedule for this week, I'm up at 8 every day from now till Tuesday (Saturday being an exclusion, I get an extra hour or so). How am I ever going to survive? Well, I know how: my late night ritual.

So lately as I've gone to bed around 1 or 2, I've developed a couple habits that I both enjoy but also find hard to break. Usually, I start my homework around 10 or 11 pm (late, I know), and work on that whilst distracted by Gmail or Facebook for a couple hours. Usually, I'll find myself so distracted near the end of it I give up on homework till the next day, and either have in-depth conversations with people on Facebook/Gmail/MSN or find myself looking up random TV shows at length. For instance, last week I was learning about the new season of Trading Spaces. Last night? Found this show called "Make Me a Supermodel" from the American Bravo television network. I don't recall whatsoever how I got there, but it didn't look like too bad of a show considering one of my fraudulent friends (that's surprisingly not a negative thing to say at all!) is trying to get me hooked on Project Runway. Anyway, today I was introduced to "Improv Everywhere" by Soaking up the Sun and have succeeded to watch like 5 of their videos on YouTube. It's pretty sweet.

What will tomorrow be like in the late night ritual? I dunno, but I guess I'll find out pretty soon. Tomorrow is always sooner than I think. Anyway, I should wrap it all up for the night as I ponder both my essay (which I did actually finish editing) and just how awesome I will continue to be tonight. I also work towards finding some miniscule wiggle room in my schedule over the next couple days to spend some "no-talking-about-work-or-school-or-issues friend time" with Soaking up the Sun and a friend of ours who made me the most amazing card ever and manages to miss me everytime she comes to my office and I miss her everytime I go to hers!

Here's today's lyrics:
"Lost at Seaflower Cove" by Laura Veirs

Pretty words doled up on silver platters
Chanting sea shanties
The words that matter
Oh how they shatter

Stay frosty folks!


Soaking up the Sun said...

who's that soaking up the sun person? she sounds weird. ALSO...am i correct in thinking who your fraudulent friend is? sits next to you in seminar in the unbearable class? and i know who your other friend is. what they neglected to tell you is that i helped make that card too.

Grey Eyed Girl said...

LIES. Soaking up the sun did NOT help me make that card. at all. and it doesn't matter if that is a giant set back for me and soaking up the sun- i want you to know that that card was a product of my sweat and blood.... and a lot of stickers.... <3 can't wait to see you SOON.