03 April 2008

When You Need to Shout, And No One's Ever Listening

Tonight's entry will be shorter than last, mainly because my body is being like "Hey, Utahraptor, slow the shit down and get some sleep." In response I say "Listen up, body, you do what I tell you to do, and if I say stay awake, you damn well stay awake." But it stopped listening today, bright and early in the morning, when I almost fell asleep at work. Very embarassing.

Today was eventful as usual. Had my school bag with me right from 9 am till I was home again at 1.30. Balls. That's all I can say. This has got stop. Now don't get me wrong, I had a sweet dinner with friends tonight, but I am just barely home anymore.

Since I am almost ready to pass out, and still have that blasted essay to edit again, I'm going to draw this to a close early. Before I sign off, I wanted to draw your attention to the "mad skillz" of Grey-Eyed Girl and her awesome writing in the links to the right. It's, to say the least, pretty sweet. Plus, Grey-Eyed Girl owes me some help in skillz, but not writing, oh no....I mean crochet skillz. That's right. I am SO going there.

That's it for tonight everyone!
"Oh, My Darling" by Basia Bulat

There are two things I will carry
In my pockets at the end,
Oh, my darling
You are one of them

("What's the other thing?")...

Stay frosty and goodnight!

Postscript: Mules. Awesome? Discuss.

1 comment:

Grey Eyed Girl said...

would it be awkward to bring crocheting tonight?? ah ha!!
re: your constant decision not to sleep-- at least when you choose to sleep you can! unlike me, who was awoken THREE times to:
1) let the housemate into the house (keys were challenging)
2) let her visitors view my room (sketch!)
3) help search for the missing shoe!
ah ha. hope your day today is a little more chill! <3