19 April 2008

There Was A Booming Above You That Night

So I'm just checkin' in for now, no long and rambly blog about random things today. Well, maybe later, but not now! I'm currently at my brothers' apartment in downtown Toronto, and whilst he naps I use his computer! Hurray!

Anyway, I'm in Toronto seeing my family for a holiday this weekend. I still have one more exam, but it won't be much to study for, so I should be fine. Funny thing about this weekend is two very big dinners, one with extended family and one with just the bros, the 'rents, and the g-rents (if that makes any sense...I'm not cool). My grandma told me the other day she made all the things I like for this dinner: gefilte fish (a delicious fish thingie), chicken soup, and tongue (yes, cow tongue). It was kind of hard to remind her that I'm vegetarian now, so I might just let myself eat some meat this weekend (not that I want to, but whatever).

I hope this is a good weekend...I mean, being stuck at home for a few days can't be so bad? Regardless, I'm going to miss Soaking up the Sun and Grey Eyed Girl. And my roommates too, I'm running out of time with them. And Quinn! He's been crazy lately, I almost thought he'd run into the door like he did one morning. Once again, Quinn is a cat (also known as Quinlan and Q-Ball). Damn, this weekend is going to feel both long and short...it'll be good to go back. But hey, I get to go shopping tomorrow, see my brother's wedding place, AND hang out with one of my best friends who I haven't seen in a while! Ok, this weekend will be totally worth it...I just may have to call aforementioned Sun and Girl once...or twice...

Anyway, I'll leave you with that, I'll give an awesome special-edition update tonight or tomorrow on the happenings of family dinner!

"Canadian Flag" by Daniel Field and the Suburban Cowboys

The Leafs can’t stop losing and you’re getting bitter
You tried to watch baseball but he’s got a no-hitter
A stranger in your homeland, you’ve nothing to catch
And on your bag you sowed a Canadian patch

Stay frosty, y'all!


Grey Eyed Girl said...

Tongue? really? TONGUE?
I'm not a vegetarian, and I won't eat that... mind you i generally avoid red meat on a usual basis...
hope you have a lovely weekend- soaking up the sun is rather upset you're not around... as am i... *sigh*
anyways, enjoy fam jam time-- i'm looking forward to this coming week!! you know why!! ;)

Soaking up the Sun said...

once or twice? gosh. is that all we really mean to you? haha. JK!! hope you're having a loads of fun in the city that is not where i am. i eneded up having a great day. tell u about it later.

Soaking up the Sun said...

dude, you need to post a new thing

Soaking up the Sun said...

so, it's been a while, eh?

Soaking up the Sun said...

ok, so really you have no excuse now. exams over, tcsa over, move over...get on it! love