12 April 2008

You Make Me Look Legitimate

So clearly I am among the worst bloggers ever, because, as Grey Eyed Girl has so kindly put it "I'm not up to the challenge." So what if I can't post EVERY DAY. Whatever. I'm still awesome, and that's what counts.

I guess these daily-ish accounts of my life might be straining to some, considering it seems to be getting repetitive. But fear not! I'll probably end up discussing something or other and ramblings won't be THAT bad today. For the most part, I'd be pretty happy if I can get through this without also stealing Grey Eyed Girls most recent - and awesome to the max - poem "if i could." Check it out on her blog (Scribblings of a Grey Eyed Girl) or also on Soaking up the Sun's blog too.

Anyway, the last few days have been a whirlwind of activity, matched with moments of severe non-activity. Since last Tuesday's entry, I've been busy with working on an essay and a project for my music class (that I perfectly intend to write after I'm done blogging) and studying for an exam. Ok, I wasn't that busy with that stuff. I actually slacked a little bit with my studying, but that exam was yesterday and went fairly well (plus I got a paper back that I did awesome on). The rest of my week has been, believe it or not, taken up by doing other things! GASP! That's right, now that my job is done (as of last Saturday), I've been free to..DO THINGS. So of course, boredom set in hardcore! Pretty sweet though. For instance, last night I just sat in my room and watched an awesome show called jPod for a few hours, and then when one of my roommates came home, we built a gingerbread house. That's right. A gingerbread house. When I finally went to sleep, I was worried that our kitty would eat the gingerbread house, but when I woke up it was safe. Unfortunately for us, Quinlan (our little black cat) had thrown up in the living room. Another roommate came home and we pretty much deduced that he got into an open bag of Ringolos. Q-ball can be a little crazy sometimes. He's sleeping on my bed right now, actually.

Other stuff in the recent past? Well, I had planned a wicked Monopoly party with friends for a couple nights ago. One person showed up, but we still had a rocking time, so there! The night before that me and Soaking up the Sun had fun choosing courses for our future. That's right, one of my exquisite methods of cheering people up is by making them focus on something completely unrelated, like the fact that our university's academic calendar just came out! I hope the night helped you, Soaking up the Sun, and I'm really glad I could be there for you.

In an unrelated note, I got a new album from one of my favourite artists, Kathleen Edwards, called "Asking for Flowers." This is one of the best albums I have ever gotten, and easily Edwards best performance after two previous albums. I didn't get the chance to see her live when she was in town recently, and I totally regret that, but whatever. I highly suggest buying this album or heading to her myspace (www.myspace.com/kathleenedwards) and listen to some of the tracks. Buffalo is one of my favourite songs so far this year, right up there with Basia Bulat's "I Was a Daughter" but on a completely different level. One of the most powerful songs on this album - an absolute beauty - is "Alicia Ross," the true story of a girl from my hometown, you may have heard of her, and the song perfectly captures her family and the way people were encapsulated by her back home.

Anyway, I have to get to my homework (like actually, for real). Tomorrow I'm up at campus again all day for training for this fall's orientation week for first year students. It should be fun, and we get fed tomorrow, which is always good for me.

Keeping with my current Kathleen Edwards addiction, here're some lyrics from the title track of her new album, "Asking for Flowers."

My life is like a picture left
out too long in the sun
Now I'm trying to remember all
the faces of the names I've loved
And all that's left of me now is
a cigarette burning bright
And a fading memory of all the things
I tried to get right

Stay frosty folks, and I'll try to be more frequent in updating!


Grey Eyed Girl said...

if thats all i have to say to "challenge" you - count on me challenging you all the time!! did you finish j-Pod without me??

Utahraptor said...

Oh, I expect challenges from you for sure, THAT I WILL WIN! I have 2 more episodes left and I HAVE to watch them with you. OMG it got SOOO GOOD

Grey Eyed Girl said...

you'd better be watching them with me. otherwise there will be some kick-age of your ass-age. got it? besides, i could really use a you hug right about now. <3

Soaking up the Sun said...

our american friend from minnesota and i listened to basai bulat tonigght and we thought of you.