08 April 2008

Pretty Words Doled Up on Silver Platters

Ok, don't be mad at me, I KNOW it's been a long time (5 days!) since I've posted! Way to keep up a blog, Utahraptor. Anyway, I'm back now, for real! Believe me! I'll actually post and everything!

So if you haven't gathered from my absence, the last few days have been exceptionally busy. It turns out winding down my job would be a lot harder than I had initially expected, and I totally did not think I would have three 12-hour work days in a row. But I pretty much did. When my job ended last Saturday at midnight, I pretty much exhaled my entire life in joy. Not that I hated my job, as people here know, I just had some problems with it and the stress was killer.

But anyway, that's over with. Classes are done too, which is a huge relief, leaving me with an essay, a project, and three exams to work on. That's not much, considering my standard workload. If things work out, I won't over-busy myself and get work done, and even have the occasional hour of free time! Oh, I miss free time.

This weekend was pretty sweet. I worked on Saturday and had a sweet Saturday night. I had to work again on Sunday, even though I kinda wasn't paid for it, but whatever, it ended kinda early. Sunday night I saw Soaking up the Sun's AMAZING "Acting Politricks" performance. It was truly awesome. And coming from a dino like me, that's sayin a lot! I only saw one of the two performances, so I hope some of you got to see the second one last night, which also went well.

Speaking of last night, there was a huge party at one of university's residences because it's the last time it will be a residence. There were a bunch of bands playing and a lot of people. Best part was the free barbeque, but there's something at this university that makes me laugh every time... So there's this long line-up for the barbeque, but when you finally reach the food, it turns out everyone is waiting in line for veggie burgers, and the people making the food keep calling out "who wants a hot dog or a hamburger?" and only one or two people come out of the line. Pretty funny if you were there...oh vegetarians. Keep in mind that my breed of Utahraptor is a herbivore too.

Anyway, my stomach is rumbling to the max so I should go make food. Peace out everybody!

"Cannon Fodder" by Laura Veirs

Every war is brutal, stupid, expensive and mean
If you take her, you also take me
Hiding by the water
Innocent cannon fodder

1 comment:

Soaking up the Sun said...

i love being the outlier and not having to wait for veggie stuff. :P
also, glad you enjoyed the performance.