11 February 2009

Back in Time for Dinner

Hello faithful readers,

Sorry for the uh...three month wait (is it more than that?)
You see, things got ahead of me, and I, well, simply stopped blogging. That's bad. And I shouldn't have done it.

Before I go on, I'd like to point out the previous entry, entitled "Yarr?" was posted to showcase some songs from the upcoming compilation "Dark Was the Night" (www.darkwasthenight.com), from the organization Red Hot, featuring a fantastic array of musicians that will have profits from the album going to support AIDS prevention and research. Check it out and buy the album if you're interested! I will!

In other news, I just thought I'd give a little post-a-roonie to say holla, and thank all my faithful readers (both of them) for bugging me enough to finally post again.

You'll hear more from me tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
