15 April 2008

Tearing Green Down Off the Vine

I decided I would actually put a lyric to my own song as the blog title today. This is from one I wrote today called "All That." It's pretty swanky, but I can't figure out how to end it. Hmm...

I'm going to make a short entry today, mainly because I just finished writing an essay and I'm sick, and want bed. So, here I go!

Last night I hung out with my American friend from Minnesota, who I will call Bango due to a hilarious misspelling by Soaking up the Sun that I have now officially adopted. It was a fun night, but we started out having no idea what to do. First we went to see a friend's recently displayed art at a coffee shop in town, but we had no idea the coffee shop would close super early (it WAS Sunday and everything). So from there we went to a restaurant/bar thing, and Bango had a little trouble trying to get some beer (they didn't believe his real Minnesota driver's license, even though he's definitely of-age). We were with a random assortment of people, especially considering a friend of mine from my program also happens to be the girlfriend of another friends' roommate! Wow, confusing. Anyway, I spent a lot of time making fun of Dri-Dri, my Sri Lankan friend. That always makes for an exciting evening.

Afterward Bango and I went to play some pool. Final tally of the games? 3 losses to 1 win. And the only reason I won was because HE put the 8 ball in on his turn by accident. I'm actually terrible at pool, even though my grandfather had a pool table and I always used to play. Oh well. So it was 10.30 when we decided we should leave the pool place. But we were both like "it's 10.30...stupid night being long..."

I suggested we rent a movie, and off we went to Have You Seen, an awesome local video rental place. As soon as we went there we knew exactly what we wanted, but still looked around (which amounted to nothing). We rented a movie called The Darjeeling Limited directed by Wes Anderson. Sidenote: Have You Seen's rentals went up to 5 dollars! I was shocked!

Anyway, I hijacked my roommate's PS2 (I asked, of course) and we watched the movie on the terrible TV in the living room. Bango loves cats, and lucky for him, Quinlan loves Bango! My kitty jumped on the couch almost right away and slept on Bango's leg. Q-ball doesn't do that for me, but that's probably because I gave him a bath once. Yea, that makes sense.

The night ended similarly to how this one is about to end. Bango headed out and I told him we'd best see each other again before we both leave town. See, Bango is not only going home to Minnesota this summer, but he's travelling abroad next year for school, which means I won't see him again for more than a year.

Overall, it was an awesome night. Tonight, instead, I did an essay. But ooooh, I kicked an awesome dinner before that! Get this: peanut satay tofu pasta! What a wacky combo, but it worked, and now I know how to make my own Thai peanut sauce! I'm really excited!

"Only Skin" by Joanna Newsom (wow, I did that really abruptly)

Scrape your knee; it is only skin
Makes the sound of violins

Powerful lines, eh? I think so. Stay frosty and have a good night!


Soaking up the Sun said...

3 things:

1- tofu - UGH!
2- did you guys play pool at the white house or the place under junction
3- what's the whole stray frosty thing?

Soaking up the Sun said...

oh last thing...

i heart you, lets get married. haha

Utahraptor said...

hahaha, that's a good idea. maybe we should work towards a wedding in the fall?

we played pool at Petrina's, right beside Riley's

and stay frosty is the sign-off of Guardian Bob from the lauded children's television show ReBoot